What is a Turnkey Website?
Usually a website is considered a "turnkey website" when it is a brand new website, and is completely setup, ready to accept visitors, and is fully functional. The site is usually for sale.
Many turnkey websites come with a domain name, web hosting, installed shopping carts, affiliate codes, forms, scripts, images and more.
The buyer pays for the site and "turns the key" to open an online business — hence the name "turnkey."
Why Buy a Turnkey Website?
There are several reasons people buy turnkey websites, including:
- Many people purchase a turnkey website to begin making money online. For some, it is a great way to learn internet marketing.
- Some are brand new to making a presence online, and a turnkey website offers them the ability to get online quickly and effortlessly.
- Many wish to add a specific niche website to their growing online portfolio, yet don't have the time to create the website.
- Some wish to buy the turnkey website, work to promote it, increase visitors and income, and then sell it for a huge profit.
But aren't Turnkey Websites just "duplicate" websites?
Not necessarily. Many site creators make 100% unique turnkey websites, work with it for a few months to build up stats & proven income potential and sell the site as a "turnkey" business — ready for the new owner to step right in and begin earning money.
Learn More about Turnkey Websites at:
TurnkeyWebsitez.com offers a complete guide to buying Turnkey Websites and even offers a Free Turnkey Website Package to download.